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Early Guitar Antology 1 The Renaissance 1540-1580
Wolzien Charles
Renaissance Guitar Music
General Background Instrument
and Tuning 7 Sources and Notation 9 Key Signatures and Ficta 10
Performance Practice and Expression 11 Technique 12 Ornamentation 13
Fantasies et al. Overview of Genre and Composers 14 Characteristics 15
Contrapuntal Texture 15 Imitative Entries 15 Instrumental Idioms 16
Modal Organization 17
Ground Bass Patterns Overview of Genre and
Composers 19 Characteristics 19 Bass Progressions 19 Variation Writing
Dances Overview of Genre and Composers 20 Characteristics 21
Dance Types 21 Ground Bass Underpinnings 22 Song Melodies 24
Intabulations Overview of Genre and Composers 24 Characteristics 26
Intabulations for Solo Guitar 26 Changes in Vocal Lines and Chord Voicings 26
Changes in Form 27 Tempo and Meter 27 Intabulations for Voice and Guitar
Accompaniment 29 Free and Literal Intabulations 29 Text Settings 29
Dance and Ground Bass Underpinnings 31 Modes and Range 31
Appendix 33
Endnotes 34
Renaissance Guitar Transcriptions
Fantasies et
al. 1. Mudarra Fantasia 39 2. Mudarra Fantasia 40 3. Fuenllana Fantasia
41 4. Fuenllana Fantasia 42 5. Barberiis Fantasia primo 43 6. Gorlier
Duo 44 7. Gorlier Canon in subdyapente 46 8. LeRoy Prelude 47 9. LeRoy
Fantasie Premiere 48 10. Rippe Fantasie 50 11. Morlaye Fantasie 54 12.
Brayssing Fantasie des Grues 56
Grounds 1. Mudarra Romanesca 59 2.
Phalese Passamese 60 3. Morlaye Conte Clare 61 4. Morlaye Conte Clare 62
5. Brayssing La guerre faitte a plaisir 63
Dances 1. Mudarra Parana 68
2. Le Roy [Dance pair] a. Pavane de la Gambe 69 b. Gaillarde de la Gambe
3. Morlaye [Dance pair] a. Padvanne 74 b. Gaillarde 77 4.
Morlaye Padvane Au ioly bois 79 5. Morlaye La Serafina 80 6. Morlaye
Gaillarde O combien 84 7. Morlaye Buffons 85 8. Phalese Almande les
Buffons 86 9. Le Roy Almande Tournee 87 10. Le Roy [Dance pair] a.
Basse Dance Il estoit une fillette 88 b. Tourdion 89 11. Le Roy [Suite of
branles du Bourgongne] a. Premier branle du Bourgongne 90 b. Cinquiesme
branle du Bourgongne 91 c. Sixiesme branle du Bourgongne 92 12. Morlaye
[Dance pair] a. Branle [double] 93 b. Branle [double] 94 13. Le Roy
Branle simple N’aurez vous point 95 14. Morlaye and Le Roy [Suite of branles
de Poictou] a. Morlaye Branle 97 b. Le Roy Branle de Poictou 98 c. Le
Roy Branle de Poictou 99 15. Le Roy Branle Gay 100
Intabulations 1. Morlaye Ma boucher it 102 2. Gorlier La guerre 107 3.
Maillard chanson Helas mon dieu 137 a. Brayssing Helas mon dieu 137 b. Le
Roy Helas mon dieu 137 4. Boyvin chanson Je cherche 147 a. Le Roy Je
cherche 147 b. Morlaye Je cherche 147 c. Brayssing Je cherche 147 5.
Morlaye Chi dir a mai 165 6. Le Roy Super flumina 166 7. Fuenllana
Paseabase 168 8. Fuenllana Osanna 170 9. Le Roy Que te sert 174 10. Le
Roy Margot labourez 179 11. Le Roy Amour me scauriez 182 12. Le Roy Dieu
inconstant 187