Цвета радуги
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Linnemann Maria
1947-... Мария
Round dance Little cottage on the island Country
dance Melancholy Stony creek blues The cock and the hen Norwegian
song Killybegs jig Chanson du Montmartre Ragtime Desiree Rumba
The promenade Rodeo
Sempre Solo
Head in
the Clouds Jasmine
Motorway Fever 10
Csnzone d'Amore
sammer night's dreaming 16
LinnemannM-2.djvu A
Little Suite of Cornish Miniatures 4
1 Piskies
2 Lullaby
3 Small People
4 Spriggans
5 Spriggan-laughter in the dark
6 Dawn over Castle Treen
7 Knockers
Scottish Miniatures
1 Bagpipes on the Golden Mile
2 Ealy in the morning 12
3 Dance from the heather
Norwegian miniatures
1 The mermaid and the fisher
2 The sheep on the mountain
3 The fossegrim 18
Leichte Folklorestucke
Round Dance Little
cottege on the island 4
Country dance Melancholy
Stony creek blues
The cock and the hen
Norwegian song
Killybegs jig
Chanson du Montmarte 11
The promenade
Rondo 16
Indianer Suite 1 Lever
de sloil 2 Petite plume
Rouge,... 3 Eau
Etincelante... 4 La
squar Biche Galopante 6
5 Les terrains de chasse etterneis
6 Dance de la pluie
7 Le Grand Chef oeil de Falcon
8 Le conseil de tribu
9 L homme medecin